What is Trout in the Classroom?

Trout in the Classroom (TIC) is an environmental education program in which students in grades K-12
raise trout from eggs to fry, monitor tank water quality, and engage in stream habitat study.

In Dutchess County, NY, nine (9) schools are currently participating in this program.
They are:

Arlington High School
Dutchess Day School
John Jay High School
Millbrook Middle School
Our Lady of Lourdes High School
Pawling Central Middle School
Poughkeepsie High School
Vail Farm Elementary School
Wappingers Junior High School

If you are interested, or would like more information about the TIC Program, check out the following websites:

Trout in the Classroom - DEP - NYC.gov

Trout in the Classroom | Trout Unlimited

Still have questions? Please contact April Stark, apiejo@optonline.net

From Pat Crisci, MHTU President: If you have not seen this, here is a great story, from Opening Day. Thank you for sharing it Mike Matts.

"Staying close to home on this Opening Day (4/1/20), I stopped to fish the Wappingers Creek. As I'm fishing, someone from behind me asks if I know what the water temp is. Turns out, he is Mark Angevine, an Environmental Science teacher from Poughkeepsie High School, who stopped by to release fingerling trout from his Trout in the Classroom project. He was called today, and given 30 minutes to come in to school to get the trout so they could be released. (Obviously, he couldn't bring any students along, due to COVID-19 concerns.)

The Creek water temperature was 48 deg F, about 4 degrees cooler than the tanks at school. He had no waders, so I helped him by adding/ subtracting water in the 2 buckets to acclimate the trout before releasing them. He said his class was given 50 eggs, from which 20 grew to fingerling size.

Mark had wanted to release the trout with his class and combine it with a tutorial on fly fishing, a casting demo, and fishing in the creek. I mentioned that TU would be available to help with instruction at a later date. I have his contact information, we'll see if that's possible in the future.

A good way to start the season. I even got to "stock" some trout."

Kudos to Mark for teaching his class the importance (and fun) of raising trout and preparing the next generation of environmentalists.