MHTU Board of Directors Meeting Minutes -
Attendees: Dan Swart, Clark Angevine, Pat Crisci, Mark Jones, Bill Rooney, April Stark, Dave Barletta, Mike Matts, Steve Dolce
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm.
April S motioned to accept DEC 2024 BOD minutes. C Anegvine seconded. Approved by board. Minutes accepted.
● Seeking youth campers for summer camps in 2025. BOJC, TU Trout Waters Camp, NYS DEC Camps. Contact is Kevin Miller -
● NOTE TO K MILLER: Any news on NYS DEC Summer Camps? We have funds in our account for NYS DEC Camp from previous years in which we sent no campers and/or camps were cancelled. What is the fund balance?
Team Goals for 2024: 3 Stream Cleanups, 4 Conservation Events
Actual 2024: 3 Stream Cleanups, 5 Conservation Events
2025 Goals/ Proposed Activities/ Events:
1) Criteria for first MHTU Annual Scholarship defined (see website).
MHTU BOD approved one $500 scholarship for 2025.
Finalized poster/application (app is on MHTU webpage).
2) Conservation Issues
a) Trout Habitat Restoration of the Phillips Brook in Garrison, NY - Meeting date TBD
b) Hotel Proposal in Town of Washington - Developing/following
3) Request from Asher Pacht, Director of Environmental Programs at
Clarkson Univ (CU), for MHTU to support their grant application for
“Lower Fishkill Creek Dams Assessment 2025-26”. Provided letter of support 12/9/24.
4) Additional request from Asher Pacht, for MHTU to
collaborate on a free public fishing program at
Beacon Hudson River/ Fishkill Creek parks.
If grant is received, $5000 budget for this program.
MHTU to provide, 1-2 training sessions. advice/ consultation for
CU program staff per year (over 2 years) Date/Content of training TBD
5) DLC Fly Fishing Event - Ketcham Park, Dover, Sat, Mar. 29.
MHTU, DLC, HVA, and Town of Dover. Goal: Develop fly fishing as an important part of water conservation, encourage anglers to prioritize health of aquatic ecosystems,
developing a connection with nature, and maintaining the quality of
water systems. MHTU will provide fly tying & casting instruction
along with promotion of TU. Next organizational meeting: 1/15/25.
6) Ten Mile River Collaborative Meeting – Meeting held 10/10/24.
Topics discussed: Land acquisition grants, DEC electroshock data on
Wells Brook, Ten Mile River Connections Program – connects youth
with watershed planning, summer internships, Watershed Action Plan
– project owners to provide update by February 2025.
Next meeting: January 2025
7) HVA wants to work with MHTU on Wells Brook Stream improvements. Following.
8) Wassaic Park Salt Shed Removal Status –
- Meeting on 8/26/24 (Claire, Mike, Bill) to discuss project status.
Eng Study and Proposal/ Timeline rec’d for new Amenia
Town Garage, which would relocate salt shed away from Wassaic
Creek. Provided by newly elected town supervisor, Leo Blackman.
Cost Total: $ 6.4 M, Start: July 2024, Completion: July 2026.
Full funding has not been acquired. Next CP: 3/25
9) Wassaic Park Stream/ Access improvements (Priority Waters)
Contacted Nicole Ahearn, 8/5 for status of Wassaic Park.
Bill attended 9/10 Rec Comm mtg, met Peter McCaffrey.
Wassaic Park improvement work ~ 2 years away, per Peter.
Focus on DEC and Amenia land definition. Next CP: 3/25.
1) MHTU Veterans Day Stream Cleanup – Wappingers Creek (4 MHTU)
a) Hot Dog Stand area, b) Creekside Park, c) Greenvale Park, d) Veterans Memorial on 11/9/24. 6 Bags (approx. 130 lbs) collected
5 MHTU volunteers – Clark, Bill, Dan, Pat, Mike
2) MHTU Cleanup of Wells Brook & Ten Mile River completed on 4/13/24.
14 volunteers participated (11 MHTU members, 3 HVA).
Estimated trash collected: Ten Mile + Wells = 890 lbs of garbage
3) Riversweep led by MHTU members (4 locations) completed (6 MHTU) on 5/4/24 Totals: 18 Volunteers Garbage collected: 530 lbs
4) Earth Day Event(s) – Host and/ or Participate
a) Amenia/ Millerton Earth Day – completed on 4/20/24 (2 MHTU)
b) Dover HS/ Middle School Event – completed on 4/22/24 (4 MHTU)
c) Muddy Hands – completed on 5/4/24 (4 MHTU)
5) Redd Survey: subject to DEC priorities (4 MHTU)
- Esopus Creek (w/ CMTU) – 4 members from MHTU – Clark, Dan, Bill R.,
Mike M., looked for Redds on 3/16/24. No spawning beds found by group.
6) Tymor Park/ McKinney Dam tree maintenance with Riverkeeper (3 MHTU)
- 3 members from MHTU (Dan, Bill, Mike M.) and 3 members from
Riverkeeper (Maddie, Matt, George) completed the annual maintenance
work on trees planted in 2020 at the McKinney Dam location on 8/27/24.
- Thirteen dead trees were removed, tubes from 10 trees were cut away,
and many tree tubes were realigned, straightened. After 4 years, approx.
100 of the 400 trees planted remain intact. The area has much plant growth.
7) DEC completed electroshocking of Wells/ Ten Mile in August.
1) Upper Wells Brook – Possible access after land given to Town of Dover
First discussion – 3/5/24. Work with Town of Dover, if/ when feasible.
2) Van Wyck Park Restoration (TOWN OF BEEKMAN; Dutchess Co. Fed of Sportsmen’s Club interested – possible Fishkill Creek trout stocking site.
3) Dam Removal assistance, if needed. Contacted G. Jackman, Riverkeeper on 2/4. After goals meeting with Tracy B., Jesse Vadala, they met with Riverkeeper, incl. George.
Waiting on status of Borden and McKinney Dam Removal(s)
CHAPTER OUTINGS: Clark Angevine/Mark Jones
● Planning for 2025 - Clark reports that CONNETQUOT STATE PARK is now accepting reservations for chapter fishing dates. Board felt that one CONNETQUOT trip for the year is adequate. Mark J and Clark A will present a slate of proposed trips for 2025 at an upcoming board meeting.
● MARK SEARLE agreed to be auctioneer for the event
● Dinner committee will meet in early MARCH 2025 Date TBA. Pat C will advise.
● Dan reports we have 3 new members in Dec. Dan has contacted them to welcome to the chapter. as of 12/31 we have 246 chapter members. Dan’s report shows that we also have 9 Renewed; 200 Lapsed (?) ; 22 Expired; 17 Soon to expire.
TREASURER: Bob Meyen (P Crisci covering)
● Bob Meyen will prepare 2025 budget in January.
● STATUS: Mike M and Bill Rooney are working to enable MHTU to accept online credit card donations via a “DONATE” button on theMHTU web page using a 3rd party service.
● Bill has set up a MHTU PayPal account for online donations to MHTU. PP fees: 2.9% of donation + .30 per transaction.
● No need to establish a new bank account for donations. Money will be deposited into the chapter checking account. PP reports will us to enable track donors, how much they donate, and to which fund they donate.
● JANUARY 20 2025 MEMBERSHIP MEETING - Region 3 Inland Trout Fisheries Update - Bob Adams NYS DEC fisheries biologist.
● FEBRUARY 17 2025 Meeting - Jim Katz, Environmental Analyst at the Hudson River Estuary Program NYS Department of Environmental Conservation State University of New York College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry.
Jim works with local, state and federal natural resource and transportation agencies to inform and encourage the implementation of roadway projects that mitigate impacts to aquatic resources and localized flood risks. He uses data from road stream crossing (RSX) assessments and management plans to proactively assist with the implementation and construction of RSX replacements. He identifies local priorities, advances dam removals, and tracks project metrics.
● Mark Jones volunteered to arrange for meeting speakers for the months of MARCH, APRIL, and JUNE (May is the chapter meeting on the stream).
● D Swart suggested forming a committee to revise chapter bylaws. Dave Barletta will chair this committee. D Swart and Steve Dolce volunteered to be part of the By Laws Committee
● D Swart gave six copies of the MHTU Fishing Guide to Mark Jones as requested to be sold at Anglers Den in Patterson.
● D Swart clarified that Mike Butts will continue as chapter delegate for the Dutchess Federation of FIsh & Game Clubs.
● D Swart reported that Mike Butts is research a potential Handicap Access fishing ramp on Wappingers Creek - Developing/Following.
● P Crisci reported that April 22 is the date for this year’s EARTH DAY at Dover HS. To add to web calendar
● Mike M and Bill R have established a new Google domain for chapter GMAIL. If you would like an account contact Bill Rooney
● Mike M completed a refresh and redesign of the chapter web page – the DONATE button (referenced above) is not yet functional – ending PAYPAL account activation (expected completion within the month).
● Bill Rooney proposed that the chapter purchase a Sandwich Board for use at chapter events and activities. The “pull down” board is not suitable for outdoor use. Motion was seconded by P Crisci and board approved. Bill Rooney taking the lead. Anticipated cost LT $300.
Meeting adjourned at 8pm
Minutes submitted by Pat Crisci
MHTU BOD MTG 12/3/24
Attendees: Dan Swart, Clark Angevine, Pat Crisci, Mark Jones, Bill Rooney, April Stark, Dave Barletta, Mike Matts
Meeting called to order at 6:04pm.
Mike M motioned to accept NOV BOD minutes. Clark Anevine seconded. Minutes accepted.
Youth Outreach: K MILLER, A STARK
● K Miller seeking youth campers for various summer camps in 2025. BOJC, TU Camp, NYS DEC Camps. Contact Kevin Miller - - for more information.
1) MHTU Annual Scholarship amount of $500 was approved at Dec 2024 BOD mtg.
Poster & application to be distributed to Dutchess County HS guidance depts in Jan. 2025.
2) HVA wants to work with MHTU on Wells Brook Stream improvement in Dover area (downstream from McDonalds) More details to come
3) Wassaic Park Salt Shed Removal Status – town of Amenia reports:
Cost Total: $ 6.4 M, Start: July 2024, Completion: July 2026.
Full funding has not been acquired. Next CP: 3/25
4) Wassaic Park Stream/ Access improvements (Home Waters)
Contacted Nicole Ahearn, 8/5 for status of Wassaic Park.
Bill attended 9/10 Rec Comm mtg, met Peter McCaffrey.
Wassaic Park improvement work ~ 2 years away, per Peter.
Focus on DEC and Amenia land definition. Next CP: 3/25.
5) Redd Survey – Upper Wappingers Creek, discuss further data collection
Continue to collect data annually. Last survey: 11/26/22.
(Planned 2024 data collection postponed due to Vet Day Strm Clean)
6) Ten Mile River Collaborative Meeting – Meeting held 10/10/24.
Topics discussed: Land acquisition grants, DEC electroshock data on
Wells Brook, Ten Mile River Connections Program – connects youth
with watershed planning, summer internships, Watershed Action Plan
– project owners to provide update by February 2025. Next meeting:
January 2025
1) Upper Wells Brook – Possible access after land given to Town of Dover
First discussion – 3/5/24. Work with Town of Dover, if/ when feasible.
2) Van Wyck Park Restoration (TOWN OF BEEKMAN; Dutchess Co. Fed of Sportsmen’s Club interested – possible Fishkill Creek trout stocking site.
3) Dam Removal assistance, if needed. Contacted G. Jackman, Riverkeeper on 2/4. After goals meeting with Tracy B., Jesse Vadala, they met with Riverkeeper, incl. George.
Waiting on status of Borden and McKinney Dam Removal(s)
1) MHTU Veterans Day Stream Cleanup – Wappingers Creek
a) Hot Dog Stand area, b) Creekside Park, c) Greenvale Park, d) Veterans Memorial on 11/9/24. 6 Bags (approx. 130 lbs) collected; 5 MHTU volunteers: Clark, Bill, Dan, Pat, Mike. 2) MHTU Cleanup on Wells Brook & Ten Mile River completed on 4/13/24.
14 volunteers participated (11 MHTU members, 3 HVA).
Estimated trash collected: Ten Mile + Wells = 890 lbs of garbage
3) Riversweep led by MHTU members (4 locations) completed (6 MHTU)
on 5/4/24 Totals: 18 Volunteers Garbage collected: 530 lbs
4) Earth Day Event(s) – Host and/ or Participate
a) Amenia/ Millerton Earth Day – completed on 4/20/24 (2 MHTU)
b) Dover HS/ Middle School Event – completed on 4/22/24 (4 MHTU)
c) Muddy Hands – completed on 5/4/24 (4 MHTU)
5) Redd Survey: subject to DEC priorities (4 MHTU)
- Esopus Creek (w/ CMTU) – 4 members from MHTU – Clark, Dan, Bill R.,
Mike M., looked for Redds on 3/16/24. No spawning beds found by group.
6) Tymor Park/ McKinney Dam tree maintenance 8/27/24
- MHTU (Dan, Bill, Mike M.) & Riverkeeper (Maddie, Matt, George) completed maintenance on trees planted in 2020 at McKinney Dam location. 13 dead trees were removed, tubes from 10 trees were cut away, many tree tubes were realigned, straightened. After 4 years, approx. 100 of 400 trees planted are intact. The area has much plant growth 7) DEC completed electroshocking of Wells/ Ten Mile in August.
MHTU Conservation Team Goals 2024: 3 Stream Cleanups, 4 Conservation Events
Chapter Outings: Clark Angevine/Mark Jones
● Planning for 2025 - Mark Isuggested 3 day trips and 1 overnight per quarter for 2025. Mark will present a final draft chapter outings at an upcoming board meeting
Stewardship Dinner: Pat Crisci
● Dinner committee will reconvene in early 2025.
Membership: Dan, Dave
● Dan reports we have 283 members - down from 288 in Nov. Source: TU national.
Treasurer Report: Bob Meyen (P Crisci covering)
● $5000 transfer from checking to CD - Bob Meyen authorized.
● after trxfr the chkng acct balance is $5877.17 in Bank of Millbrook;
CDs = $39,953.37 HVCU
● Bob Meyen will prepare 2025 budget in January.
● Mike M and Bill Rooney are working to enable MHTU to accept online credit card donations via a “DONATE” button on theMHTU web page using a 3rd party service. Bill advocated for using PayPal for online donations to MHTU. PP fees: 2.9% of donation + .30 per transaction. PP reports are available to help us understand who our donors are, how much they donate, and to which fund they donate. Bill identified 3 funds from which donor can select: GENERAL FUND, CONSERVATION FUND, SCHOLARSHIP FUND. CMTU is already doing similar online donation on their web page. Pat will consult with Bob Meyen re the need for establishing separate bank accounts for each of the three fund choices.
● D Swart reports there is one board vacancy in 2025.
● PCrisci - because of historically low attendance (15-20) and after polling board members (4 say they will attend) – it was decided that we will offer coffee and baked goods for attendees. UGLY COACHMAN contest to be held as planned.
○ Dec 16 7pm Holiday Gathering and "Ugly Coachman Contest" Monday December 16. ENTER the "Ugly Coachman" fly contest. No entry fee! Everyone who enters the contest will receive a free raffle ticket Prize for the “ugliest” Coachman. ONE ENTRY PER PERSON. All entries must be a variation of the traditional ROYAL COACHMAN fly with a red and green color scheme. Streamer, nymph/wet, or dry fly – all are eligible.
○ JANUARY 20 2025 MEMBERSHIP MEETING PROGRAM - Region 3 Inland Trout Fisheries Update - Bob Adams NYS DEC fisheries biologist.
NOTE: The Upper Wappinger Creek (Jamison Hill area) which was in 2021 identified as WILD QUALITY, is being assessed based on recent trout sampling surveys conducted by NYS DEC. This will be a topic of interest. Other topics of interest include Upper Wells Brook and Eastern Brook Trout population, and the state of Esopus Creek.
● DSwart suggested forming an election committee for 2025
● DSwart suggested forming a committee to revise chapter bylaws
Meeting adjourned at 8pm
Minutes submitted by Pat Crisci
Attendees: Dan Swart, Clark Angevine, Pat Crisci, Steve Dolce, Mark Jones, Bill Rooney, April Stark, Bill Soja, Kevin Miller, Dave Barletta, Mike Matts
Meeting called to order at 6 pm.
P Crisci motioned to accept OCT BOD minutes. Clark Anevine seconded. Minutes accepted.
Youth Outreach: K MILLER, A STARK
● K Miller seeking youth campers for various summer camps in 2025 e.g. BOJC, TU Camp, NYS DEC Camps. Contact Kevin Miller for more information about specific camps. Kevin’s email is
● Stream Cleanup on Wappinger Creek on 11/9 – meet at 9am at Greenvale Park New Hackensack Rd.Poughkeepsie. Volunteers will clean the stream in the park and clean up in Pleasant Valley Rt 44 near the hot dog stand. Mike Matts team leader. Email michael.j.matts@gmail,com
● Ten Mile River Watershed Mgmt Plan Update - At the October 10 meeting NYS DEC shared data re Ten Mile River and Wells Brook. Mike Matts notes that water temps in Wells and Stone Church Brook (tribs of Ten Mile RIver) were low to mid 60 degrees V. 70+ degrees in main stem Ten Mile River. DEC data also confirmed presence of Brook Trout in Wells Brook. Data was collected in July and August 2024. HVA is interested in partnering with MHTU on a future stream improvement project in the TMR watershed.
Chapter Outings: Clark Angevine/Mark Jones
● Planning for 2025 is underway. At a future BOD meeting Clark and Mark will present a draft chapter outings for the year. Some ideas were suggested – Neversink R., Penns Creek, Salmon River, saltwater – striper fishing.
Stewardship Dinner: Pat Crisci
● Dinner netted $5856.61 (this is $100 more than reported at the 11/5 board meeting due to a credit from Coppola’s for the deposit made when we booked the event).
● Dinner committee will reconvene in early 2025.
Membership: Dan, Dave
● Dan reports we now have 288 members based on TU national reports.
Treasurer Report: Bob (P Crisci covering)
● pCrisci reports chkng acct balance is 10,834.42; CDs = $34,655.15
● request to transfer 5k from checking to CD was tabled. Per board request pCrisci will follow up with bob Meyen re
○ number of CDs and their terms
○ funding for MHTU scholarship
○ 2025 budget
○ MMatts presented a plan for an annual scholarship for Dutchess County public HS senior pursuing studies in environmental science/ecology. Scholarship proposal was approved. Amount of scholarship to be determined – between $100 - $1000.
Note from Mike: “it’s only one scholarship per year at this point, and possible fields are not limited to environmental science only.”
● Mike M and Bill Rooney are working to enable MHTU to accept online credit card donations via a “DONATE” button on theMHTU web page using a 3rd party service such as Venmo, Paypal, etc.
● Dswart reported that there is one board vacancy in 2025. There are no vacancies for elected positions. All incumbents are returning.
● pCrisci discussed
○ Nov 18 7pm MHTU Town Hall – open forum for dialog among members and prospective members. Promote understanding of recent accomplishments, our mission and goals. Member expectations, etc. An opportunity to meet and mingle.
○ Dec 16 7pm Eat, Drink, & Be Ugly! Mid Hudson Trout Unlimited Holiday Gathering and "Ugly Coachman Contest" Monday December 16. ENTER the "Ugly Coachman" fly contest. No entry fee! Everyone who enters the contest will receive a free raffle ticket Prize for the “ugliest” Coachman. ONE ENTRY PER PERSON. All entries must be a variation of the traditional ROYAL COACHMAN fly with a red and green color scheme. Streamer, nymph/wet, or dry fly – all are eligible. Board approved expense of $250 for refreshments at this event.
○ JAN 20 2025 - Region 3 Inland Trout FIsheries Update - Bob Adams NYS to be confirmed.
● DSwart discussed The Wappinger Creek Derby. MHTU has been invited to participate on April 26 in a canoe race on Wappinger Creek. Dan will follow up with the event organizers to see what they are asking MHTU to do/how/if we might participate.
● pCrisci discussed Ketcham Park Fly Fishing Event 3/29/25 - Dutchess Land Conservancy and the Town of Dover invited MHTU to participate. Pcrisci will attend Nov. 19 meeting w/ partner organizations DLC, Dutchess Soil & Water, HVA to discuss the event. Event is to promote awareness of recreational opportunities and fishing access on Ten Mile River in Dover.
● FLY TYING AT PLAN BEE FARM BREWERY – March 1 or 8. Date TBD - PCrisci.
Meeting adjourned at 8pm
Minutes submitted by Pat Crisci