2025 MHTU Scholarship
The Mid Hudson Chapter of Trout Unlimited (MHTU) is awarding a scholarship to a Dutchess County High School Senior who is passionate about the outdoors and will be pursuing a career in an environmental or ecology based field of study.
- Amount of scholarship: $500
- Senior in public high school in Dutchess County, NY
- Dutchess County Resident
- Pursuing environmental/ ecology area of study
- Academic Achievement (transcript required)
- Essay: What is your planned area of study after high school? Why did
you pick this are of study? Describe examples showing your passion for
the outdoors, 250 words (max)
- List extra curricular activities, especially those that are “environment”
based with examples of activities you led, participated in,
accomplishments, etc.
- Letter of Recommendation (1)
Application for this scholarship can be downloaded from the MHTU website (midhudsontroutunlimited.org). Select the “2025 Scholarship” button.
Please send application/other info to mmatts@midhudsontroutunlimited.org
no later than March 31, 2025.
TU’s mission is to bring diverse interests to care for and recover rivers and streams
so our children can experience the joy of wild and native trout and salmon.
Download the 2025 TU Scholarship Application HERE.