Tungsten Torpedo
Tungsten Torpedo
Looking at various sites on the web it is apparent that this is a hot fly, and yet you won't find it in many fly shop bins. It is well known on the competition circuit apparently because it produces. Its slimness and tungsten bead obviously make it sink quickly, and yet it is also used on hopper and dropper rigs. The original recipe has some components that many tiers may not have but this recipe will discuss substitutes. This is an easy fly to tie.
Hook: Barbless competition nymph hook in sizes 12 thru 18,
or standard nymph hook.
Thread: Olive Benecchi 12/0, or similar.
Bead: Gold tungsten to match hook size (3.5mm on #12 hook, or
Tail: 4 or 5 fibers of Pardo Coq de Leon, or grizzly hackle.
Body: The olive thread.
Rib: Black Sulky and extra fine gold wire. From what I can make
out Sulky is something like a tinsel that comes in solid
colors. For a substitute use a larger size black thread 6x
or better. Flat thread would be best if you have it. Spiral
the wraps with the wire touching the back edge of the black
material as it is wrapped forward in an open spiral (note
the body in the picture).
Thorax: Bronze peacock ice dubbing, or similar such as regular
peacock ice dubbing tied on with a dubbing loop which
makes the dubbing stands stick out and gives the fly
The tail should be equal to the length of the body. Cover the tail fibers
thoroughly with the thread and then cover the butts of the wire and Sulky
(or whatever) as you wrap the thread to the bead. this will give you a
smooth, thin body. Check this video for this fly being tied: