tied by Rene Harrop, photo by Hans Willenmann
Last Chance Cripple
Cripples will often do the trick when trout are being selective. The fact that a may fly has become disabled on its way into morphing a dun leaves it more vunerable and makes it an easy target which trout recognize. This pattern was developed by Rene Harrop, a western tier, to entice selective trout on the Henrys Fork in Idaho where he lives and has his shop. The fly shown above is more of a tying technique as opposed to a specific pattern. If you Google "Last Chance Cripple" you will find a number of different videos of different may flies tied using Rene's formula. To view his technique and the particular tie pictured about go to this link:
For tying a cripple pattern for our area substitute material in colors to suit a local pattern. For instance, aMarch Brown would require something like the following:
- Hook: dry fly, size 12
- Thread: light brown
- Tail: lemon dyed mallard or wood duck
- Shuck: bown Zelon (over the tail)
- Body: tan biot
- Thorax: yellowish tan dubbing
- Wing: tan CDC
- Hackle: cree or dark ginger grizzly or grizzly (in declining order)
If you don't have a suitable biot use dubbing, but the biot probably will give you a more effective fly (I suspect that is what Harrop would tell you). The March Brown is just a suggestion, so for the Fly of the Month tie any may fly that you might prefer; however, use the technique described. Incidentally, if you are not familiar with the use of biots in fly tying go to the reference section on this page for a tutorial.