Pattern by Ronald Leyzen, Fly and Photo by Hans Weilenmann
CDC Micro Caddis
- Hook: dry fly hook
- Thread: size 12 or smaller, color to match body
- Body: fine dry fly dubbing or similar, color to match caddis species (the photograph shows the fly tied with dyed mole fur dubbing)
- Wing: CDC (not an oiler puff), color to match species tied at 45 degrees as per instructions below
When tying the wing take the CDC feather hold the butt with one hand and slide the other hand up the feather to bunch the tips, and then tie down with the tips facing forward over the eye. The tips will be folded back over the body so allow for the proper length. Then trim the butt section of the CDC to allow a small "stump," about a quarter of the shank length (This step is crucial as the stump will ensure that the wing and body remain seperate when fishing the fly). Fold the CDC tips back over the body and tie them down at about 45 degrees above the body.
When fishing this fly tends to hang the body under the surface film while the wind floats on top so it works well on fish taking emerging pupae or adult caddis. This fly is also a very useful BWO pattern.