MHTU January Meeting - 1/20/2020: Speaker - Charles Eyler, DEC Env Cons Officer

Trout Fishing

Trout Fishing

Join us on Monday, January 20, 2020 at 7 pm for an informative discussion on trout fishing and other topics with Charles Eyler, DEC Environmental Conservation Officer for Region 3. Charles is currently the ECO for Putnam/ Westchester County, but will be transferring to Dutchess County in late February. Prior to working for the DEC, starting in 2016, Charles joined the Army, was deployed four times (3 tours in Iraq, 1 in Afghanistan), got his BS degree from Marist College (Behavorial Science/ Criminal Justice), worked part time for the Dutchess County Sheriff’s Office, and worked full time as a National Park Service guide. He grew up in Rhinebeck, lives in Pleasant Valley (with this wife and 2 children), and loves to hunt and fish. He’ll discuss the NY State Angler Survey data, his work with the DEC, and maybe a few new places to go fishing. Hope to see you on 1/20/2020!

SpeakersMike Matts