TU’s Mission is to bring together diverse interests to care for and recover rivers and streams
so our children can experience the joy of wild and native trout and salmon.

Members of the Mid Hudson Chapter of Trout Unlimited would like to welcome you to join us on local adventures and community conservation efforts along the trout streams of Dutchess County.

Some of our favorites include the Wappingers Creek, Fishkill Creek, Tenmile River, Sprout Creek, Roeliff Jansen Kill, Wassaic Creek, Webatuck Creek, and others.  We have events and programs for folks of any experience level or interest.

Would you like to learn more? Want to make some new friends to fish with?

See the schedule of upcoming events below. Pick up up a copy of the 4th Edition of our Mid Hudson TU Regional Fishing Guide! Follow MHTU on Facebook. Join TU.
We look forward to seeing you on the river!