MHTU March General Membership Meeting - 3/20/23, 7 pm.

This Is A Town Hall Meeting
for members and for anyone interested in becoming a member of TU.

What's it all about? Salmon and trout. And tight lines!

We'll tell you about events and activities we're planning for this year.

Tell us what you like about TU, tell us about your interests, why you joined. Tell us what you would like to see more, or less of at our meetings. What events and activities interest you most?

Why do people join Trout Unlimited? Preserve and protect cold water fisheries, and healthy watersheds, learn to flyfish, find fishing buddies, comaraderie.

Who joins Trout Unlimited? Stream and river lovers, water rats, mudcats and mudhens and, well, anyone who finds enchantment in a riffle, a nightingale, a purple sky, a fish, a rise.

Mike Matts