Trees for Tribs Planting at McKinney Dam Site - October 2 & 3


MHTU, Riverkeeper, NYS DEC Partner on Trees for Tribs Planting - Oct 2, 3

On Oct. 2 and 3, volunteers from Riverkeeper, DEC, and MHTU will be planting trees at the McKinney Dam site to help stabilize stream banks and restore riparian buffers on the headwaters of the Fishkill Creek.  McKinney Dam, which is slated for removal in 2021, is located in the town of Unionvale, on CR 21, Bruzgul Rd.

MHTU volunteers will meet on Oct 2 & 3 at 10:30 am, at the dam site, across from Tymor Park.

Wear boots or hip waders, bring a shovel or mattock, and gloves.  A large water cooler will be provided.  Bring your own water bottle, and be prepared to follow social distancing protocols.

Volunteers are needed to help with tree planting on one or both days.  Contact Bill Soja, or Pat Crisci with questions.

Mike Matts