MHTU October Chapter Outing: Catskills (Saturday, October 24, 2020 8am)

Please come join MHTU for a day of fishing at the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum.

A light Breakfast of Coffee and Bagels, From 8-9 am, and lunch, From Noon to 1 pm, will be provided.

No experience is necessary, but a current fishing license is required. We’re happy to pair you with an experienced angler so that you get the best experience possible. Fly fishing gear is available to borrow, if necessary.

Cost of event is $ 10.00 (ten dollars), payable at the September or October MHTU membership meetings, or on the day of the event.

Joining us for lunch will be CFFCM Treaurer/Executive Board Member, Anthony Magardino. Mr. Magardino will give a brief overview of the museum, its history, and top priorities.

Questions: Contact Dan Swart (