MHTU May (Online) Membership Meeting via ZOOM: May 18, 2020

A Virtual Time

Hello All,
I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. This is a spring like no other, but we will tough it out.  And there will be fishing trips, baseball games, and birthday parties -- soon.  For now though, we are under mandated social distancing guidelines, and so, our May 15, 16 chapter fishing trip to the Catskills is cancelled.  If you paid we will refund your money.  


And it will be a first for Mid Hudson TU -- a virtual meeting, with members joining remotely.  We'll be using an online meeting platform called ZOOM.  If you're not familiar with it, ZOOM is a videoconferencing tool used to conduct virtual meetings. 

It's easy.  Simply click here to join the meeting:

Meeting ID: 952 7409 9581
One tap mobile
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+16465189805,,95274099581# US (New York)

Or Dial by your location
        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
        +1 646 518 9805 US (New York)
       Meeting ID: 952 7409 9581
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Welcome Back, Looking Ahead - Pat C

  • Stream Protection, Enhancement & Restoration Projects

    • Wappingers Creek Watershed Plan - Sean C

    • HVA & MHTU TMR Watershed Plan ECR drafted for review - Pat C

    • Riverkeeper/ TU - McKinney Dam Removal & Trees for Tribs -  Project Plan / Timeline - Bill Sean C, Pat C

  • Fishing reports, stream conditions - Mike B, Dan S: hatches, hot flies, and how to fish them…

  • MHTU Stream Guide - reminding chapter members that ad space is available; how to get a copy -- Mike B

  • DEC's new inland trout stream management plan - Final draft to be posted on DEC Web Site by end of the month May 2020.  Thirty day public comment period to follow.  

  • Youth Education - TU Summer Camps, DEC Summer Camps - Kevin M

  • Fly of the Month - Caddis Pupa - Rory L Show & Tell 

  • Riverkeeper & MHTU “Sweep” - Saturday 10/17/20

  • Stewardship Dinner - Open discussion

  • MHTU Web Site reminder, invitation to members to contribute fishing photos or articles for posting - Mike M

  • June membership meeting program Aaron Jasper “Trout Predator” JUNE 15 @ 7pm

Trout Unlimited...
Continues to provide guidance to help us stay connected.  Home-based or near home activities for families have been popular, as has been the free one-year TU memberships offered to first responders and essential workers,

Check out the Tacklebox for advice on outdoor activities during the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as up to date news from Trout Unlimited.

Last, and certainly not least, I want to remind you to stay focused on self care and the care of loved ones, and I will see you at our next TU meeting, or better yet, on the water.

Pat Crisci

SpeakersMike Matts