MHTU Fly of the Month - March 2020

Greetings! ‘Tis March, trout season is rapidly approaching. I feel like March makes me think of something. What could it be? Hmmmm. Ah! Yes! March brown! How could I forget?! I realize they don’t come on the water just yet, but how could I ignore such an obvious thing?

For March’s FOTM tie up your favorite March brown pattern. Wets, dries, other. Bonus respect points will be awarded for the best traditional catskill dry.


NOTE: At monthly chapter meetings we feature a "Fly of the Month" and everyone is encouraged to participate.  

Tie and bring to the meeting two or more of the "Fly of the Month" and you will receive a raffle ticket for each fly.  Those who have not tied a fly for the raffle can purchase tickets for a dollar apiece.  The winning ticket gets half of all the flies.  The other flies are retained by the chapter.

For more info about The Fly of the Month contact Rory Lisefski at

From Art Flick’s “New” Streamside Guide to Naturals and Their Imitations - copyright 1969

From Art Flick’s “New” Streamside Guide to Naturals and Their Imitations - copyright 1969

Fly of the MonthMike Matts