June Speaker: Ron Lasko: Monday, June 18th, 7:30 pm Cape Cod--Kettle Ponds and Sea Run Brook Trout

CCTU Member Ron Lasko will be presenting & speaking at the MID HUDSON VALLEY CHAPTER OF TU in New York on June 18.  His topics will range from fly fishing in the Catskills, Sea Run Brook Trout & Lake & Pond Trout Fly Fishing & of course his book A TALE OF TWO RIVERS.  Ron says he is honored to have been invited to speak at the MHVTU chapter in returning to his place of birth & to where he began fly fishing for trout as a boy.  It is exactly 50 years since he moved away from the area to the Adirondacks and began a long journey for Ron in employment & fly fishing for trout that has taken him from NE to Georgia with a final stop here on Cape Cod.  Ron will be speaking at the TU meeting place just a few hundred yards from Wappingers Creek where he caught his first trout at the age of seven.  And it was a brook trout.  Ron is thrilled to go home again on his 50th Anniversary of relocating with the two books he has published and happy to hear that the Hudson Valley TU folks have been working hard to preserve Wappingers Creek and they also hold a high interest in Sea Run Brook Trout which were a major part of New York State's early historic trout fishery."