December 17: Mid Hudson Trout Unlimited Monthly Meeting

Membership Meeting - December 17, 7:30 PM

“The Year in Review” * Swap-n-Shop * Light Refreshments Served

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The holiday season is in full swing, and it's crazy busy, right?

Still, I hope to see you at our December 17 membership meeting. As usual, we meet at 7:30 at the Arlington American Legion Post.

In the holiday spirit, the chapter will provide light refreshments, and our VP, John Ahern, has put together "The Year in Pictures" -a look at 2018 and some of the people, places, events and activities of MHTU.

Whatcha Got?

Some of you have asked about a "Swap 'n' Shop" of fishing related stuff. These can be fun… you never know what you may find... that vintage fly reel, the perfect shade of hen neck for those soft hackles, a copy of a long lost favorite fishing get the idea. It's always fun to see what shows up. So...empty out your drawers --- uh, closets? attics, basements — where that gear is gathering dust. If you want to part with it -- sell or trade -- truck it on over. It's all in fun!

And The Winner Is…

Also at this meeting, we will draw the winning ticket for our "Conservation Raffle." This year's prize is a complete fly fishing outfit. The winner will take home an Orvis 7.5' five-weight rod, and an Orvis Access reel spooled with a Hydros fly line. Just add water!

Double Your Pleasure

Our Fly of the Month Raffle will be for both November and December FOMs.

Chapter Elections

We will hold 2019 chapter elections at the December 17 meeting. Our nominating committee has prepared its slate of candidates for office. The candidates (incumbents) are:

  • President - Pat Crisci

  • Vice President - John Ahern

  • Treasurer - Bob Meyen

  • Secretary - Kristine Port

***NOTE: If you are interested in running for office, or becoming a board member, please attend the Dec. 17 meeting and declare your interest. We have one open board member position.

Holiday Wishes

As we celebrate the holiday season, and the year draws to a close, I want to wish each of you, and your families, happy, safe, and healthy holidays. I am looking forward to 2019, and hope you will join me in the fight to preserve coldwater habitat. It's your -- no, it's our MHTU, and together we can make a difference.

Tight Lines,

Pat Crisci

  • Meeting starts at 7:30 at the American Legion Riders Post #1302, located at 55 Overlook Road, Poughkeepsie, NY.

  • Visit MHTU Facebook

Pat Crisci